Crosshair Settings of the Best CS2 Players: Settings of Professional Gamers (2025)

Settings are very important in the world of esports – every professional player has their preferences but there is one common factor: given the right crosshair, a player’s performance can greatly improve. This article will show the crosshair settings used by three CS2 professional players while also hinting how to warm up an infinite warm-up mode.

What makes Crosshair Settings so essential?

The CS2 crosshairs is arguably one of the most important tools built into a users head during a match, some even consider aiming to be a part of the game’s objectives. It is affected by numerous criteria such as its shape, color, size and as users track and engage opponents. Would you like to make improvements? Start by working on your crosshair. All the best players tweak their crosshair settings as many times as necessary until they are able to achieve the results both skill and headshot aim.

There are so many well-known professional players such as s1mple, ZywOo and m0NESY that pay so much attention in customizing and adjusting their crosshairs to come in as maximum accurate as possible. So then who can forget that simply copying a professional player’s choices is not enough. The most important factor always remains the individual – s1mple may use a certain crosshair but that does not mean everyone else will feel comfortable using it.

Crosshair Settings of the Best Players

s1mple: Simple but Effective Crosshair

Crosshair Settings of the Best CS2 Players: Settings of Professional Gamers (1)

Alexander “s1mple” Kostylev is arguably the best Counter-Strike player to ever exist and is known for his versatility when it comes to crosshairs. It is no surprise he prefers a minimalistic dot crosshair that offers him good control and visibility. During tournaments and ranked games s1mple tends to use a relatively larger crosshair with low opacity and transparency to assist him in orientation during the heat of the battle while not putting too much strain on the eyes.

To create or set up a crosshair like that of s1mple’s dot crosshair, it is recommended that players use the following features:

  • Style: “classic”
  • Size: 2
  • Transparency: 0.5
  • Thickness: 0.5
  • Color: Green or Red
  • Crosshair Code: CSGO-y43pD-ZA95D-q263K-D3u3J-TxQDQ

This method encourages players to adapt quickly to the varying situations while being momentarily under pressure and helps maintain the accuracy necessary for shooting at enemies.

ZywOo: A Crosshair for Clarity and Sharpness

Crosshair Settings of the Best CS2 Players: Settings of Professional Gamers (2)

Matthieu “ZywOo” Herbaut happens to be one of the most consistent players across the CS:GO and CS2 tournaments in the Esports world which is probably why he is one of the best headshot makers where you would think aiming is easy. ZywOo’s style allows him to achieve an even clearer shot as it is smaller which further ensures clarity whilst assisting in focus during matches.

Settings used by ZywOo for his Crosshair:

  • Style: “classic”
  • Size: 1
  • Transparency: 0.8
  • Thickness: 0.4
  • Color: Blue or Yellow
  • Crosshair Code: CSGO-j5PqD-2k94F-6u7FL-4p37K-ZQPMQ

This kind of setup allows ZywOo to put his full concentration on the enemies since there won’t be too many obtrusive crosshair or other component that appears on the screen. This ultimately helps ZywOo with his high precision aim.

M0NESY: Crosshair For Focus-on Combat

Crosshair Settings of the Best CS2 Players: Settings of Professional Gamers (3)

Ilya “m0NESY” Osipov is one of the biggest rising talents of the world and has already proved his mettle on the pro scene. It is known that he has a crosshair with a high amount of brightness and a great clip size which aids him in spotting the target(s) during chaotic battles. Along, with this he also makes use of the crosshair, which helps him to see the map better as the opacity is quite small, for better map visibility.

m0NESY’s Crosshair settings are as follows:f

  • Style: Classic
  • Size: 3
  • Transparency: 6
  • Thickness: 7
  • Color: Red Orange
  • Crosshair Code: CSGO-p45LD-Fy96D-q27LF-34o3J-TzRQQ

Using these settings, m0NESY is able to take advantage of all the opponents in game with minimal effort on his part and at times even when the situation in the game is very tense.

Testing New Crosshairs Without Time Constraints as CS2 Player

Tournaments, and high ranks in CS2 requires doing preparations. One of the most important elements is called the warm-up. That helps the feelings of the player with the game’s mechanics, gathers response time, and gets the aiming muscle memory to improve efficiency. For professionals and competitive players it is very important to set the infinite warm-up in CS2 to be able to improve their skills without time pressure.

The Infinite warm-up in CS2 allows the player to test different crosshairs until they find the right one that fits them for the games. Also, using an infinite warm-up helps players to play without any of the ordinary time restrictions which can limit the players during practice and improve the players a lot by allowing them to adjust the settings and the playing style that suits them.

In CS2, players have to change a few minimal settings in order to enable infinite warm-up:

  • Open Console: In CS2 you need to enable the developer console, this is done in the options of the game. Head to game settings and enable the console in ‘Game Settings’ module.
  • Use The Following Command: Wearing out the commands for infinite warm-up is performed by logging onto the console and typing in the following commands:
    • bot_kick
    • mp_limitteams 0
    • mp_autoteambalance 0
    • mp_roundtime_defuse 60
    • mp_restartgame 1
  • When you input these commands, it ensures that all the bots are kicked, the auto balancing of teams is disabled and the round duration is only 60 mins. This creates a perfect environment for the practice.
  • Embedding Bots: After that, you can proceed with the warm-up stage with bots that won’t distract you.
  • By increasing the difficulty levels of the bots, the players are able to enhance their skills regarding not just the aim of the player but also the tacticians as well.

Acquiring and Adjusting Crosshair Settings During Tournaments

One more cool way to acquire and adjust your crosshair settings is to search for other settings modified by professional players during the competition.

eSports live score portals are a great chance for players and fans to watch the matches and examine how the professionals configured their settings in view of competition. Watching the best players s1mple, ZywOo and m0NESY, in action, you shall appreciate the extent to which crosshairs modification alters their game play, their aiming skills and performance level when pressure comes into play.

These platforms have live sections that provide information on demolitions, accuracy, and performance of a player in chosen settings which are responsible for significant changes in a game. A large proportion of these live streams even come with crosshair settings on-screen or allow fans to follow favorite players and see how they employ them in different games.

In Counter-Strike 2, crosshair settings are a must,; just ask professionals such as s1mple, ZywOo and m0NESY how important it is to have their crosshair adjusted according to individual needs for comfort. Infinite warm up comes in handy especially if you want to win every single game because it also enables the players to train and prepare their skills that improves their reflexes and accurate shooting while mastering the different movement. Practicing warmup before setting up crosshair settings is a great way for the players to ensure that they are ready for their competitive matches and that they will not underperform.

Crosshair Settings of the Best CS2 Players: Settings of Professional Gamers (2025)


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